Friday, April 14, 2017

Trail Improvements are a Team Effort

Kurt Tazelaar's passion for improving the trails at Herrontown Woods and Autumn Hill Reservation is proving contagious, as he got help this week from Princeton High School junior Dylan Regan. Kurt prefers the permanence of rocks to make wet trails passable in spring. Some of the rocks are a two-man job, even with the help of a cart.

Spring, when much of the ground at Herrontown Woods is saturated with water, is the time to look for dryer routes for the Blue and Red Trails on the north side of the preserve. Only through close observation at the wettest time of year do the best routes become evident.

Also helping out were Sally Tazelaar,

and Dylan's mother, Inge.

Friends Theo and Jensen helped out one day as well.

After so much work, it's good to pause for a satisfying moment to survey all that has been accomplished.

FOHW has "boots on the boulder". There should be a museum for boots, whose wear, tear, and water marks tell the story of long labors.