Wednesday, April 27, 2022

New Website for Friends of Herrontown Woods

In addition to this blog, the Friends of Herrontown Woods now has an honest-to-goodness website at The new website is the go-to for the latest information on our organization and upcoming events. Many of the blog posts I have here can also be found on the new site. Thanks goes to Pilar Castro-Klitz and her team at More Canvas Consulting for building the new website.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spring Flowers at Herrontown Woods

Herrontown Woods is starting to shake off winter and generate some color.  

Redbuds young and old are blooming next to Veblen House, and there's one at the Barden. It's a native, though all of these were either planted or proliferated from trees planted previously.
Dotting the woodland understory are crabapple trees. There is such a thing as a native crabapple tree, but I don't know if those at Herrontown Woods are among them.

Daffodils have been in their splendor near Veblen House and Cottage. They could have been planted by Elizabeth Veblen herself, or by one of the garden clubs that worked hard to renovate the gardens after she died in 1974. The daffodils follow early sweeps of snowdrops and scilla. 

Less dramatic yellow is the native yellow violet blooming near the Veblen barn, the small red structure near the cottage. 

Among other flowers to look for at Herrontown Woods this time of year are trout lilies, spring beauties, wood anemones and rue anemones.